Mrs Naomi McAinsh

Naomi brings to the Trust many years of experience, working in diverse and challenging environments ranging from being an Archivist in top ranking international universities (Harvard and Cambridge) to varied roles in high street retailers, historic houses, and multi-national companies. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Modern History and Politics from the University of Manchester and a Master’s Degree in Archive Administration from UCL. She was one of the first people to go to university in her family and feels passionately that everyone with the right work ethic should have the opportunity to pursue whatever ever they want to in life. Naomi has a particular interest in ‘Dyslexic Thinking’ (two of her family members are dyslexic) and understands it offers challenges but also many ‘above average’ skills for the world of work. Thanks to her local networks she successfully co-hosted the Careers Fair with Sally Linsell and looks forward to taking this from strength to strength. In recent years she has used her skills to develop the Learning Resource Centre to support the school careers service. She has four children who attend or have attended the school so is used to also being a parent navigating future pathways in ‘real time’! Naomi is an active member of the community and when not at work, loves spending time socialising with her family and friends.